IAMSocial 1.0.0

Posted on August 16th
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After Mazzat Restaurant and Carroll Gardens Diner, Carroll Garden Association is the third business in Columbia Waterfront that I have helped with its website. However, it is the first ever, to go live with my WordPress theme IAMSocial.

Carroll Gardens Association

In fact, if you remember this post, they were my first testers. Thanks to their feedback my theme is now ready to be downloaded and installed on any WordPress (at least 3.4) platform.

However, it is not part of the WordPress official Theme Directory. Not yet.

As defined in the “Getting Started” page of the Theme Directory:

“The goal of the theme directory isn’t to host every theme in the world, it’s to host the best open source WordPress themes around […] To ensure that WordPress users are guaranteed a good experience, every theme in the directory is reviewed by the theme review team. […] Themes that don’t meet with the theme review guidelines will not be approved.”

So after a lot of testing using tools such as the Theme Unit Test and the Theme Check plugin and after reviewing the requirements posted by the WordPress Theme Review Team which include clean code, internationalization and accessibility among others, I finally submitted it today.

Uploading IAMSocial

Now it will have to go through the Theme Review Process. This is my first WordPress Theme - and hopefully, not the last - so it might not be approved to go live right away. I am expecting to hear back from the reviewers for some updates.

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