Structure for

Posted on September 4th
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Maybe it is not a bad idea to take advantage of my MMP 350 class to work on my own portfolio. I am always working on other projects and tend to leave my own stuff for later… “I’ll do this when I have time”. But here’s the thing: I NEVER HAVE TIME!

So let’s do this.

I actually already have something at A domain that I bought a long time ago. And I am glad I did, because “Isabelle Garcia” is a pretty common name and I am sure this domain wouldn’t be available by now. I might also buy and have both domains pointing to the same site. Wonder what aicragellebasi means? If you haven’t seen it, it is my name upside down. And this has become my signature in all social medias.

So, what I have now at is a basic Bootstrap HTML / LESS Responsive website with two static pages: index.html and portfolio.html and it looks like this:

What I am now thinking of doing is to use my current site and add a blog section: the blog I am working on at my MMP350 class. In this blog, I will be talking about the progresses of my works and other cool things that inspire me or that I want to share. “My work” will be a category and I’ll have sub-categories for each projects. “Other cool things” could be another parent category.

Here’s a basic flow:


I’ll work on a WP template that will look similar to my portfolio page: yes, with a pink background! Sorry, but this is my favorite color.

Eventually, the idea is to move every sections (Homepage, Profile, Portfolio etc…) onto WP. But let’s go step by step and just start with this basic structure. (Like the above flow)

I’ll keep on posting my progresses regarding this project onto the isabelle garcia sub-category of this blog. Just like I will with the Colectivo Piloto‘s one and all future projects and adventures!.

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